Thursday, January 31, 2008


At the end of each day’s visit with Andrei, I like to seize just a moment before we part to give him a reassuring look in the eye and a good, deliberate hug followed by a kiss on the cheek. From the beginning, Andrei has been receptive to this, but slow to return the embrace as I don’t think he has had many hugs before. More and more, though, he has been hugging me back and today, he took it a step further. After I gave him his kiss, he pressed his mouth to my cheek, then gave me a delayed puckered smack, as if this was something experimental, something he had not done before. Becky, witnessing this, called for her turn and took little Andrei into her arms. Andrei promptly gave her the same treatment, this time more deftly.

Andrei’s caregivers are truly remarkable and I have a great deal of praise for the job that they do. But with so many children and such a range of needs, it is a sad fact of orphanage life that there is only so much that the caregivers can provide, particularly in the emotional realm. To witness the kids that are undergoing the adoptive process--some of whom are understandably withdrawn--surrender themselves to the affection of the new parents is very much a spectacle in transformation. Becky and I are immensely happy to see Andrei coming around.

Charles and Becky

Becky and I may have neglected to address some of the obvious questions that are sure to arise as we post our web-log entries. If there are any such questions, please feel free to leave a comment at the tail-end of our posts. Becky and I will make sure to address them.
Coming up is a better detail of the daily routine for Andrei, Becky and I, and also some more story time about Karaganda.


Matthew Ruley said...

He ie a beautiful baby. Of course, all babies are beautiful. But he has a sparkle in his eyes that could speak poetry. Thank you for sharing your adventure! Suzanne (waiting)

kitzkazventure said...

He is adorable! We brought our Kaz toddler home April 2007 from the same region just different city (Jhezkazgan) seems our boys share the same birthday. Our Nick's birthdate was one of the reason's we knew he was is also my grandfather's birthday! Toddlers are a joy to experience. Feel free to browse our website once you get home and have a spare moment...ha! Congrats and many more happy days!
Karen Kitzman (mom of Nick...3 yr old Kazmaniac)